SCRAP YARDS CARS FOR CASH - Call Centre: 0861 7777 22 with over 200 Scrapyards and Parts Suppliers makes us the biggest conglomerate of Auto Scrapyards in South Africa...
WE BUY SCRAP ACCIDENT DAMAGED CARS and / or You Simply cant' afford Monthly installments, We pay you 'CASH ON THE SPOT' ... We "tow-away-cars" Anywhere - Anytime...
Call us today for best prices on quality car, bakkie, 4x4 and SUV auto spare parts. Any car part requests you have will be sent out to over 200 scrapyards and 'QUALITY' Parts Suppliers nationwide.
Send us a picture of your write-off vehicle. Engine or gearbox damage? We BUY them all. SEND us a picture of your vehicle, together with a description of the damage, the price you expect to be paid and the physical address where the vehicle is being stored.
For same day service... CALL TODAY...
Please send all correspondence to or contact the CALL CENTRE : 0861 7777 22
There is someone waiting to take your call...