Find Used Auto Spares with the LOOKING 4 SPARES Parts Locator
If you are reading this article you probably require the services of a used auto or commercial spares locator service, used spares supplier or vehicle dismantler which is more often referred to in South Africa as a Scrap Yard. The common scrap yard is a place where accident damaged vehicles and non-runners which have sustained engine, transmission or electrical problems and are too expensive to repair. These cars inevitably land up at the local scrap yard.
The scrap yard industry in South Africa is widely spread with scrap yards and spares suppliers in every corner of the country. There are an estimated 950 automotive and commercial scrap yard dealers that strip down cars, bakkies, SUV’s and trucks on a daily basis and sell the spares at a profit.
If you are looking for spares for your motor vehicle, look no further. LOOKING 4 SPARES is South Africa’s No1 ‘parts locator service’ with over 200 scrap yards and parts suppliers on the system. VISIT and complete the parts request form on the websites HOME page or contact the LOOKING 4 SPARES ‘ONE-CALL-CENTRE’ on 0861-777722.
Your parts request will be sent via email with your name and number to all our participating scrap yards and spares shops nationwide. The scrap yard or parts supplier who has the spares that you are looking for will contact you back directly. There is no middle man or broker involved in any purchase or sale of motor spares. You deal directly with the supplier of the spares. Should you not get a good response or all your vehicle parts do not hesitate to contact us back by reissuing us with a new Parts Request Form which will be sent out again.
If you are buying spare parts from an unknown supplier that you found on the internet or if the supplier is simply too far from you to drive to and view the parts you should ask about making use of the LOOKING 4 SPARES Safe Trade Account. This account is a Payment Protection Facility which protects both the buyer and the supplier when buying or selling new or used spares. VISIT and read our terms and conditions of our safe trade system or contact our One-Call-Centre for expert advise on buying and selling spares safely and efficiently on the world wide web.
Beware of fraudsters and conmen who prey on people over the internet. There are alternatives to paying people that you don’t know. LOOKING 4 SPARES offers you the opportunity to Find | Buy | Sell motor spares, car parts, vehicle accessories and cars and trucks online, without getting taken for a ride.
LOOKING 4 SPARES It’s a FREE and safe service and Always will be !